5 Things You Should Know Before Trying Keto

5 Things You Should Know Before Trying Keto | HealthSoul

Over the past few years, the ketogenic diet has gained popularity, and for a good reason. With amazing weight loss benefits, it’s certainly a trend you might want to try. However, before you get started, there are a few things you’ll want to know. Unlike most diets, this one can be a little complex. If you want to learn more, then keep on reading. Below we are going to take a look at six things you’ll want to be aware of.

It requires a lot of planning

Compared to other diets, there is a lot of work involved with keto. You need to plan and keep track of everything you eat, and at times, this process can be quite overwhelming. There will be some days when you just want to eat without all of the calculating.

For example, you need to be careful when eating high protein foods. We all require a unique amount, and consuming protein excessively could lower your ketone levels. You also need to make sure you get enough fiber, which is hard when cutting out whole grains and fruit. There certainly are a lot of rules to follow, and since everyone is different, it can take a while to find what’s right for you.

Results will vary from person to person

It’s easy to look at another person who has done the keto diet and been amazed at the results. However, you have to remember that this can vary from person to person. You and your significant other could do it together and have completely different experiences. So be prepared for one of you to be doing better than the other. Everybody is unique.

You won’t feel great at first

One of the disadvantages of the keto diet is that you may experience some side effects at first. Some of which include:

– The keto flu: Headaches, weakness, irritability

– Sleep issues

– Constipation

– Fatigue

– Bad breath

Again, while it will vary from person to person, it’s something that you need to watch out for and prepare for. You’re going to feel worse before you get better and will also have some serious cravings.

You’ll have to get better at cooking

If you’re a fan of takeaway and eating out, you’re going to have to make some changes to the keto diet. Finding meals at restaurants and cafes can be challenging, so cooking will become the new norm. If you don’t have a lot of time, consider meal-prepping where possible. Check out vegetarian keto recipes to get started.

Social events can be a challenge

Finally, alongside eating out, another thing that you may find challenging is social events. While everyone is gorging at that family BBQ, you’re probably going to have to supply your own food. This can be difficult, and at times you may feel like giving in. However, if you stick to your plan, you will be rewarded. It just requires a bit of hard work and patience.
